Wednesday 26 April 2017


I love Facebook.
I hardly use it. In the sense of updating my 'friends' on my life. But I've been 'meeting' some amazing people through it over the last months. An awesome tool to connect!

One of these people is Laura Long who also works as a coach. Last week, she introduced me to tapping (check out EFT). As per usual, I am not particularly interested how exactly it works, the fact that it does have an effect for me, is what matters.

What struck me in both sessions was, how - and this came from another participant actually - the term 'forgiving myself' caused quite a reaction in me. As well as 'punishing myself'. At first, I was completely taken aback, as I had no clue how I should interpret that. But then yesterday, I had a bit of a light bulb moment. Something to explore further for sure.

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