Tuesday 24 January 2017


Third NLP weekend. And it was a good one.
Every time I am simply amazed about how well the 'interventions' work. For everyone. Everyone doing it in their own way but everyone having an outcome that is meaningful to them.

As always, after those three days my head is bursting with information, learnings and revelations. Here are just a few:
- apparently my Hessian dialect is stronger when I am being my authentic self
- I am getting at better at accepting positive feedback. And yes, I AM a quick learner.
- I am able to keep my thoughts to myself and let the client get on with THEIR learnings without trying to impose my views
- somebody asked me to meet up for coffee - I know that may sound trivial but it's huge for me
- I reached out and asked somebody for a testimonial
- I have fun learning again
- I am nervous in groups and that's ok. A lot of people are.
- some people simply get on my nerves and I need to regulate how much space I give them in my life
- NLP can facilitate feeling less scared when driving

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