Sunday 3 January 2016

That time of year

In 2016, everything will change!

No, not really. Life is pretty awesome as it is. Nonetheless - and despite continuously thinking of ways to make my life even more awesome - I find January is a good time to think of further areas that could do with improvement.

So, here's my list of New Year's resolutions:

1) Use my kitchen. I hardly ever cook. And while I love a good sandwich with the great German bread that is readily available, I feel, I should make more of an effort. I might have to set myself some targets to make sure I stick to this. Taking lunch to work will also mean that I will eat more healthily and save some money in the process. I feel savings might come in handy at some point this year...

2) Sports. My back has been aching a lot recently and I know the only way to deal with this is to start exercising regularly. I know this will be very tough. But will hopefully show results quickly.

3) Stop the moaning. It's annoying. To everyone who has to listen as well as to myself.

That's it for now.

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