Sunday 25 October 2015

Finding Bukowski in random places

During the night of the blue miracles, we stopped at Kaffä. A cute little cafe with comfy armchairs. So, on Saturday, I went to check it out to also test their cake. Which was delicious! The hot chocolate was one of these Italian/Spanish really dense hot chocolates. Too sweet for my taste.

As it happens, a literary event was taking place, so we decided to stay (it was free...). Unfortunately, not many people showed up, and there were only seven of us in the end. The event takes place about once a month under a changing topic. Last night's topic was 'Liebestӧter', which literally is a long john but refers to more than just un-sexy underwear.

A selection of texts were read. Great short story by Charles Bukowski, but it was somehow strange to be hearing about a young girl fucking an old and married guy - in such a small round of strangers.I really enjoyed the bit from Adam Jackson's The 10 secrets of abundant love. The bit from Eckhart von Hirschhausen's book on the other hand, wasn't my thing. One of the guys commented on how he enjoyed my facial expressions while it was being read. And I just thought, well,  I thought it was shit.... Not sure what my face was giving away. Hopefully exactly that.

And I thought nothing was happening here! ;-)

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